Saturday, February 21, 2009

Burn After Reading

Well, I watched Burn After Reading today. I must say, I enjoyed it a lot. It seems that the Coen brothers have created the idea that since they are such great Directors, they can make a movie that is absouletly pointless and make it golden.

They did just that, the movie has no main plot or incentive. Just a bunch of idiots running around blackmailing and craving over the world of money and perfection.

It was really based around true satire which is a great concept. Satire can be placed in so many places and situations. Perfect example. What you could do with $50.00

Plant X amount of trees to plant in our backyards. Send X amount of food and aid to familes in developing countries.


Buy 25 cups of coffee, buy 3 DVD's, or 1 Video Game.

Ahh Satire, the Coen Brothers capture it perfectly. Not the most amazing movie. But, still good.

I enjoyed it.

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