Saturday, February 21, 2009

Meth + Blizzard = Death?

So here I was, sitting in my bed watching television when a commercial comes on. It shows a picture of a cute couple and you hear a voice in the backround. It's a recorded conversation between the guy in the picture and a Police Officer. He states that him and his girlfriend/fiance/whatever are trapped in a blizzard and are unsure on where they are. Text comes onto the screen saying Matthew and Christina were trapped in a blizzard, they were on Meth and disorietned.

Then it goes back to him talking and he's all mumbling and is not making much sense. Text comes across the screen again saying they were found 3 days later dead because of "meth"

Now listen, I understand. Meth is very very bad, disgusting and just plain retarded. People should not do it, but that's not the real point in this. The point is...

They did not die from god damn Meth.

They died because..I don't know..THEY WERE TRAPPED IN A DAMN BLIZZARD. They froze to death god damnit. Even if they were not on Meth they probably would of died. They don't really teach you how to survive a Blizzard in school. If I were stuck in a blizzard, I would probably die too. It's a damn blizzard.

If the couple were high on maijuana would the commerical be about how pot killed them?


They are just using this to provide reasons not to do meth

"Don't do meth kids, you could end up in a blizzard and die"

Come on...

If you want to try to not make people do meth. Show pictures of a cracked out old lady who used to be beautiful or list someone that actually died from Meth. Not a fire or a blizzard or a bad re-run on Gunsmoke. Meth.

Meth is bad, yes do not do it.

Also, do not go into Blizzards, that is also bad.

I hope you have all learned a vaulable lesson from this.

Good day.

-Nicholas Bobo

1 comment:

Ernesto said...

Hey man, when I first read the title "Meth + Blizzard = Death?", I was completely confused. Not only did I read it as 'Math + Blizzard = Death', I thought you meant Blizzard the video game company. Just imagine the mental picture I got at that point. Anyway...I've seen that commercial too and some good points made here. I think you're right that they twisted the story a bit to fit their agenda, but I'd have to argue that their message wasn't so literal as 'If you take meth, you'll die in a blizzard'. I think the point was to show that drugs aren't only dangerous in the long run (see faces of meth), but that the impairment of brain function caused by them can make dangerous situations even more so.

Anyway, that's just my humble opinion. Take care man and keep blogging, this is good stuff.