Monday, November 24, 2008

iPhone Vs. G1

As most of you already know. I did a review a few weeks back on the G1, and did a compare and contrast with the iPhone. However, I want to throw that review in the trash. After doing a lot more research and really getting to see what the G1 can do. I think it is best that I re-write that review. I have always been an Apple fanboi. I've wanted to get the iPhone 3G for a while now and make the switch from my Mogul. I'm changing my mind. Here is why.

As you know, I'm a developer. A big reason why I got the Mogul(Which still is to me an amazing device). If I got the iphone, I would get bored out of my mind in one day tops. The iphone is not a open platform. Even though, the interface is close to perfect it still needs work. I've been reading up on countless blogs about how the iPhone, even after the new firmware, just keeps crashing. Apps fail, battery life is still draining, GPS isnt coming up and you have to go to such lenthgs, as with jailbreaking, just to get your device up to its peek performance. The G1, however, is open platform :)

I'm very glad that Google made the decision to one, go with an open platform device, and make it more userfriendly. And two, put the Android on an HTC Device. I adore HTC devices. The Mogul was a great device for me to explore the possiblites on customazing the interface. With the Mogul,I learned how to re-write congifs on a lot of great programs not made for the Mogul, to make it work for the Mogul. I accomplished getting Vista on my phone working better then on a PC, which by the way, is not an easy task. Took countless hours of me sitting at my computer and not calling my girlfriend back. Sorry Brittany, I love you. The G1 has opened new doors for developers to be able to create awesome programs, without the lag of WM6. Let's face it, no matter what you do to lets say a Mogul, or a Tilt or a Diamond. You are still going to have lag. WM6 is king with lag. Even though I got pretty awesome programs and software running on my device, I could not get it up to its peek performance due to lag. Also, I love touchscreens. However, I am very tired of the "stylus touch screens" I want finger friendly programs. I want a finger friendly phone. Which Apple has accomplished. BUT! So has Google, and they surpassed Apple in my opinion. The touchscreen on the G1 is great and very fingerfriendly, no stylus included!!!! HTC has FINALLY realized that it's 2008! not the late 90's. No more Stylus and PDA's. It's all about finger friendly devices.

Lets talk about Open Platform shall we? Google did a great job in developing this. There are already a lot of Apps for the G1 and best of all, most of the users are creating them. If you know how to write programs. Then use your talents to create an awesome application. You don't even need to show it off to Google, just post it up on some Forum for users to use and share with the community. No killswitch, no disapproves. You create it, and stream it on your device. I also like how the G1 has three home screens, all with different functionalites. And all you can customamize. Let's dicuss the actual device, the HTC G1, aka The Dream. In my opinion, its ugly. I hate the chin on the device, it looks like it might be hard to text on it. The keyboard is spaced out but not as flushed as I would like to see it. But HTC keep true with the soft material they use for keyboards, which I love. The screen is very responsive and pretty damn big. It has no headphone jack, which is a con and no stearo bluetooth, another letdown. It has a 3 MP Camera with Flash, and guess what Apple! Copy and Paste!! Muahaha.

There is so much more about the G1 that is truly amazing. For more in depth reviews on it check out Noahs videos on He has a multiple part reviews showing off its email and texting functions. Applications and GPS, Multimedia, and an overview on the actual device.

Google still has a while to go, I think the Android Platform is amazing and almost flawless, the device itself however could use a little make up to it. It needs to slimmer and no chin on it. Give it a 2.5mm headphone jack and stearo bluetooth and in a couple years the iPhone will be like the Playstation 1.

